the brief and the process

The brief may be downloaded as a .pdf from here. 


Happy Reading!

the extent of the competition site

The competition process is outlined below:

Payment made on AILA  paypage ( choose
VIC: Street 11 Ideas Competition Entry Fee. Fees are $200 for Registered Landscape Architects and $50 for Student Entrants. Registration closes October 19.

Receipt of Background Information
Upon payment of payment the entrant will be emailed their competition code with a link to the background information folder to be downloaded.

Posting / Answering Questions
All questions are to be posted on the questions and answers page of the Street 11 website. ( All questions will be answered by the Competition Convener within 72hours. Questions close October 7.

Submission of entries
Submission is due November 4 (in hard copy + soft copy format) delivered to:
AILA Victoria, Level 1, 41 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000.
The competition Convener will be present to receive entries and provide entrants with a receipt of submission.

Award of entries
The competition will be awarded on November 23 at a function held in Lilydale. This function will be open to all competition entrants. All short listed and winning entries will be published in the local newspaper the following week.

Exhibition of entries
Following the award function, entries will be displayed within shop frontages along the Main Street of Lilydale.