the question and answers section

Please post your questions here.  We will aim to respond within 72 hours.


  1. hi this doesnt seem to work

  2. actually it does seem to work, apologies. Hello!

  3. Hello everyone! Remember there is a site visit next Friday. There will be a 2pm and 3pm walk from the Train Station and finishing at the new Museum. See you there! Contact us for any more details.

  4. Do you have to be an AILA registered landscape architect to enter the competition? Can you be a working professional LA and enter?

  5. Is the competition open to an international submission registered locally, but out from Australia.

  6. Hello. Thanks for your queries.

    International entries - if you are registered locally (or a paid up member) with your peak LA body that is recognised by IFLA, you are welcome to enter. Prize moneys would be in $AUD, and there may be some taxation on this (always new taxes in Australia!). Good luck!

    Non-RLA entries - Currently the requirements of the competition are that there is to be a Registered Landscape Architect on the team. This may change, but as of right now, the intention is that the Competition, being run by the Institute, is to promote recognition and membership of the same. Stay tuned, but better still, join a team with an RLA. You know want to!

  7. Hi,

    For the walk on Friday, where exactly we should meet, outside the train station? And who we should look for? Thanks

  8. Good question! You will be meeting me. I'm the guy on the left (viewers left) on the you tube video (link in this website), at the start.

    I will wait at the bottom of the ramp at the station on the bus loop side. I will have a roll of drawings as my key identifier.

  9. You don't need to be registered to start a landscape practice or call yourself a Landscape Architect, so why do you need to be to enter?

    Excerpt for aila website:

    5b. Can a person with a degree in Landscape Architecture and not a registered member call themselves a 'Landscape Architect' with any justification ?

    There is no clear answer to this as the legislation across Australia States and Territories is generally still not clear or consistent on whether someone with a landscape architecture degree can call themselves a Landscape Architect. Sadly until there is a Commonwealth - State Government agreement, it remains a grey area. The AILA's only advice to clients is 'buyer beware'. The best advice is to play it safe: consider a registered landscape architect.

  10. Hi,

    My company, Ronstan International, Designs and Constructs catenary lighting structures (among other things) with some great street lighting examples under our belt such as:
    - Manly Corso
    - Queensbridge Square
    - Hargreaves Mall
    - Others

    We are interested in partnering with someone which is participating in this competition.

    Is someone out there able to provide a list of registrants? Otherwise, if you would like to discuss the possibility of putting together a joint application, please call me on 0420 980 706.

    Sascha Humphreys
    National Sales Manager - Ronstan

  11. Regarding being an RLA or equivalent to enter - The competition is being run by AILA and (amongst providing Lilydale with opportunities it wouldnt ordinarily get) it aims to target and showcase the work of its members and attract new members. One of the benefits of being an AILA member is being eligible for things like this.

    We have had interest in people teaming up with RLAs, and so i was thinking we could try to run a landscape architectural Introduction Service.

    So....if you are an RLA and would like to team up with some energetic collaborators, why not post here.

    And if you arent an RLA and are looking for one to team up with, post here also.

    I would suggest not providing personal information such as names and phone numbers, but providing an email address you would like people to Contact.

    Sascha - hi there - i cannot provide a list of registrants, as that would not be in the spirit of things, however you have posted your details, and thus our Introduction Service is born.

  12. Hi there,

    We’ve downloaded the material, including the cad surveyors plan. We’ve noticed though that there is no labeling for the level contours, which we need to know. Also the limits of walkways, the actual highway limits and parking areas are not drawn on the plan. Would it be possible to get those informations?


  13. Hi,Do we need to register our interest/numbers for Fridays site walk, o9r just turn up at the time?

  14. No anyone is welcome whether registered or not. See you there!

  15. Hi all we are working on the Contour numbers. Hopefully we will get it soon.

    As for parking areas, there is no survey of carparks. As per the brief there is a big over supply.

    The highway limits for the purposes of the study is shopfront to shopfront

  16. At what stage will the jury be announced?

  17. Hi there - The jury will be announced in a couple of weeks.

  18. Suggesting that people with good ideas need to hook up with RLA's (who presumably don't have many ideas of their own) doesn't help the perception of the Institute and won't help this competition attract good submissions. Open it up to all!

  19. Please keep it nice or I will just delete your posts. If you have further problems with the rules of the competition, please take it off the Q and A section, and email me at I am happy to discuss this over the phone if we can keep it civil.

    Collaboration is a key part of how real projects run – ensuring that multiple viewpoints and stakeholders are considered. No one profession or individual has all the answers. We promote this kind of collaboration between professionals, artists and the community.

    The competition has been convened and initiated by AILA, an industry body funded by voluntary memberships, with nearly all project undertaken by members on a voluntary basis. No AILA, no competition.

  20. Now for Registrants - we have emailed out the further CAD information to all. If you did not receive this please let us know.

  21. REGISTRATION has been EXTENDED until
    MONDAY 24 OCTOBER 2001
    Get your registration in and start designing Main Street Lilydale.

  22. We are pleased to announce the following industry and local leaders are to be Street11 jurors:

    Prof. Gini Lee - University of Melbourne

    Jill Garner - Office of State Architect

    Lorrae Wild - Landscape Architect VicRoads

    Cr. Terry Avery - Mayor of Yarra Ranges on the question and answers section

  23. Thanks to all who have Registered!. Looking forward to receiving the entries next week.

    Dont forget to have a peek at the community forum, some of the key issues are covered there!

    We will email all Registrants the updated delivery address for the entries, as AILA has moved pending the new build.

  24. Please note that due to the renovations submissions will NOT be received at AILA / RAIA in the City.

    Submissions are to be delivered to OUTlines landscape Architecture 567 Spencer Street West Melbourne 3003

    All Registrants will be notified by email.

    Also note that the AWARDS ceremony will be held at the Museum Harvest Cafe in Lilydale on Wednesday 23rd Novemeber 5-7pm.

  25. Thanks to all for your effort on getting the entries in, they are great (ok i had a peek)! Now for the judging.....

  26. Can you reveal how many entries?

  27. Nah.....a bit later, judging Thursday, maybe after that.

  28. Congratulations to the winners!

    Aecom for the Winning Scheme

    Office of Other Spaces for the Best Urban Tactic

    Thankyou for all your great entries

    Hope you enjoyed the celebration out at Lilydale

    In the next week we will aim to publish them all online
