the how to enter section

So you want to enter?  Excellent! 

Each team, led by a Registered Landscape Architect, must make an online payment of $200.00.

All Student registrants are to make an online payment of $50.00

Please go to:

Street 11 is an Ideas Competition. Ideas Competitions are those whereby the successful competition entry is not necessarily intended to be put directly into effect, or whereby the successful competitor may not be appointed, but where the promoter may use some or all of the ideas generated by the competition. Such competitions are usually conducted in order to identify a range of design solutions and options for the site and to encourage thinking about the site in different ways that may ultimately lead to the establishment of a range of projects with briefs that are quite different from the competition guidelines.

Street 11 is a Limited Competition. Street 11 is open to any team consisting of a Registered Landscape Architect in partnership, or not, with one or more professionals in the same or other disciplines (architects, urban planners, landscape architects, engineers, artists, etc.). The nominated team leader is the only contact with the Competition Convener.

First Prize                                                  $18,000.00
Best Urban Tactic (s) Commendation        $4,000.00
Student Prize                                            $2,000.00

First Prize will be awarded only to teams led by a Registered Landscape Architect or International equivalent recognized by AILA.

The Best Urban Tactic Commendation award is open to both Registered Landscape Architect led teams and Student submissions. This award will be judged by the Jury for its innovative design merit that best addresses and builds upon Lilydale as a Place.

The Student Prize will be judged independently of the other entrants, by an independent Jury comprising AILA members and Academic representatives. The entries will be judged in accordance with the Jury Procedures and Assessment Criteria. The Student competition is open to any student be it in the discipline of Architecture, Planning, Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design, Horticulture etc. The course name, number and entrants student number, as proof of enrollment in the course, is required at registration.

the mechanics institute - site of the new museum